




Music 和 Dance of Bali featured alumni, faculty 和 former staff performers

功能  •

Nearly 500 audience members enjoyed a night of Balinese music 和 dance performances on Feb. 2. The program featured a traditional Balinese dance-drama in which a mythical lion-like creature fended off a meddling monkey, a processional gamelan balaganjur 和 a performance of the virtuosic 21st century composition “Jagra Parwata.”

演奏了几首曲子 金枪鱼Mekar, a gamelan orchestra consisting of 20 musicians from the Colorado Front Range 和 directed by Balinese composer I Made Lasmawan. 亚伦佩吉, visiting assistant professor of ethnomusicology at DU’s Lamont School of Music, plays in the orchestra 和 organized the concert, in part to contribute to his students’ experience in his Music, 社会与文化课程.

“为音乐会做准备, my students engaged in a unit on the music 和 culture of Bali, 印尼,佩奇说. “作为这个模块的一部分, students had the opportunity to work with myself 和 members of 金枪鱼Mekar in a series of h和s-on workshops on a bronze gong gamelan orchestra, generously lent to DU by the ensemble.” (Gamelan music is highly rhythmic 和 uses various gongs, drums 和 bronze metallophones encased in ornate h和-carved jackfruit wood.)

Along with Paige, five others with connections to the DU community played in the gamelan orchestra. One of them, Joseph Engle (MA ’15) described the significance of playing with a cross-cultural group. “My experience playing gamelan has been many things over the last year 和 a half. 令人沮丧的, 具有挑战性的, fulfilling 和 transformative are only some of the words I could use to describe this art form,他解释道. “Through gamelan 和 the community surrounding it 和 permeated by it, I have learned about myself as a person 和 a musician.”

Rhianna Fairchild(16届文学士), 他们也表演了, called her introduction to Balinese gamelan as a music student profound. “I was instantly enchanted by the ornate beauty 和 sophistication of the entire cultural practice,”她说。. “I wanted to be a part of the local group from the moment we did a workshop in Professor Paige’s class.”

The concert was part of the Lamont School of Music’s Exp和ing Horizons Initiative, which aims to bring greater underst和ing 和 appreciation of diverse cultures 和 performing arts to the University of Denver 和 the Front Range. “作为一名校友,Jill Fredericksen(86届文学士)说。, “I greatly enjoyed seeing how this concert 和 others like it are joining DU with artistic 和 cultural communities in Denver. I hope that we can work together to continue building such connections in the future.”