







应用程序s now being accepted for CWC Women’s Leadership Scholars Program

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2016-17 Women's Leadership Scholars

的 科罗拉多女子学院 at the University of Denver has launched a new program to develop young women as leaders. This year marks the first year of the CWC Women’s Leadership Scholars Program. It aims to provide a multidisciplinary academic 和 co-curricular program for undergraduate women, beginning their first year at DU. With a preference for first-generation 和 underrepresented women, these scholars can receive an annual scholarship up to $7,每年500.

的 goal of the four-year program is to support 和 develop undergraduate women by focusing on leadership skills 和 workplace readiness that meet the dem和s for a more gender-inclusive 21st century. At the conclusion, students will receive a minor in leadership studies. 的 Women’s Leadership Scholars Program is being modeled after DU’s premier 先锋领袖计划 (PLP).


“To be able to take the best of the leadership studies minor offered under PLP 和 exp和 it into a new area that more deeply supports women, 真的很有趣,琳达·奥尔森说, interim dean of the 科罗拉多女子学院. Olson served as the director of PLP for 12 years.

This year’s cohort of scholars is made up of 13 students, all from Colorado high schools. 的 women also have a wide range of majors, from English 和 art to physics 和 computer science. Olson hopes to grow the program to 20 students a year. This is just one component of the new strategic 愿景 of the 科罗拉多女子学院.

“I think this program fits really well with the original intent of the Women’s College, which was transforming women's education 和 advancement,奥尔森说. “It aligns with our revised mission to support innovative approaches to women's life-long learning 和 leadership development in order to be self-sufficient participants, decision makers 和 social change leaders in all areas of society."

的 application process is now beginning for the 2017 Women’s Leadership Scholars Program. 欲了解更多信息,请 点击这里.